Year of Our Lords – Earth Occupation Data - Centurion Log
Reporting Log from Centurion 797:
I have accumulated data for the first semester of
EARTH2013. It’s in my belief and understanding we must wait 3 decades before
occupying any outlandish threat on Species Catalogue #4060 - 7274367
Homo-Sapiens of Planet 656 [Earth].
We have found them unpredictable and a precarious threat
on our Species Catalogue #25225 – 264357 [Black Angels].
I have Catalogue status of Species #843 – 47297 [The
Grays] our long forbidden rival of the past 1000 Earth Years.
Observation of
[The Grays] within the past five years brings my findings to grave
concern. Their continuous Abductions of
Species #4060 -7274367 has led us to believe [The Grays] are collecting data in
order to find the molecular DNA weakness
in Species #4060 – 7274367 [ Homo-Sapiens].
My overall
evaluation for Species #843-47297 [The Grays] continue surveillance in
order to obtain valuable military data.
Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens] are a reasonable
risk factor to the overall operational mission: Red Rock.
Population: Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens] have over
exceeded their population growth, calculated as of this Day of Our Lords
13.03.2013 at 7,106,133,408.
Due to the
overgrowth of Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens] it is said to be a
reasonable deduction for Species #843 – 47297 [The Grays] to continue its
Abductions of Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens].
We will continue cooperation with Lead Operatives of
Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens] at said home base Area 51, Code names:
Dreamland Paradise Ranch Groom Lake and/ or Homey Airport.
We know it as Watertown, coordinates 37° 14′ 6″ N, 115° 48′ 40″ W.
Lead Operatives of Species #4060 -7274367 [Homo-Sapiens]
of code name: Great White North is at said home base Nome Alaska. Unfortunately
Species #843-47297 [The Grays] have interfered with Lead Operatives of Species
#4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens] overall operation.
I require further Mission Update on code name: Great
White North in order to proceed in ordinance of said Operational Control.
In relevance of mission RED ROCK I further require update
in order to proceed with my said mission.
Our location RED ROCK gives us better perspective on
Species #843 – 47297 [The Grays] and have now located their Base Operations. They
do NOT know we have surveillance on them at this time. Species #843 – 47297
[The Grays] are NOT aware we know of their NEW Location coordinates: 49.0458°
N, 113.9153° W
Location coordinates: 49.0458° N, 113.9153° W is under
the name: Waterton Lakes National
Due to the importance of Our Lord Gods RED ROCK
coordinates are NOT given in this report for obvious military importance, but
we can give out coordinates of Big Rock: 50.7058833°N 114.0764222°W
Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens] is familiar with
this landmark called Big Rock. The region is close to their said village or town
known as Okotoks, Alberta, Canada. To them it is known as a glacial erratic.
We know this landmark as an old architectural block of
Our Lord Gods foundation piece that never made its destination. In respect to
Our Lord Gods, we find it humorous Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens]
scientists relate it to a glacial erratic.
Regional Update of said Area RED ROCK in respect to Our
Lords Species #4060- 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens] have NOT found Operational
Control Pyramid of Our Ancient Lords
Species #25225 – 264357 [Black Angels] known as Pyramid Sirus 5.
In Respect to Our Lord Gods Pyramid Sirus 5 is commonly
inspected by Android XL 5W5 ( also known as ALISHA) and is consider our most sacred heritage of the
North Americana
All data of said Pyramid Sirus 5 is fully operational and
under control of said Android XL 5W5.
As said before, due to the importance of Our Lord Gods
sacred heritage, location and coordinates will NOT be given in this report.
Mission: RED ROCK next report is the Genetic C Effects of
Species #4060 – 7274367 [Homo-Sapiens]
This data should be electronically destroyed keeping in
the guidelines and protection order of our Species Catalogue #25225 – 264357
[Black Angels].
This is the quarterly Report of the Year of Our Lords –
Earth Occupation Data - Centurion Log 01.2013
Reporting Log confirmed by Centurion 797 – In the Year of
Our Lords – Occupation: Earth 2013
Mission: RED ROCK X439927ZX397
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Black Angels of Sirus 5 |
The Above Report is a Science-Fictional Data Report for
the movie: Black Angels and should be taken seriously. More info on Black Angels
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Get a COPY of my BOOK today !
More Data Reports coming soon... In the Year of Our Lords
– Earth Base 2013.
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