Here's behind the scenes of my screenplay, BLACK ANGELS.
My seven year journey is indeed a long rewarding experience, even though it's from behind my desk, in the comfort of my home.
By simply writing a story, I can imagine exploring a distant planet throughout the vast regions of a dimensional universe. The overall goal of writing and rewriting, is to tell a compelling story, in order to provoke emotion and action through my viewers.
In essence, screenwriting and short stories are best expressed by my phrase "I envision a story and bring it to life".
My storyline takes us back over 250,000 years ago, before mankind ever had a foothold of earth.
By evolution standards, we were nothing more than another form of Ape-man referred to as Denisovans.
I'm sure by now you've heard of Lucy?
Lucy's species, Australopithecus afarensis, is approximately 3 million years old and categorize as an earlier form of "genus Homo". The evolutionary Ape-man took on various stages, but each step wasn't anything miraculous, until a drastic change 100,000 years ago.
Like Professor Steven Hawking points out,"For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened..."
During my lifetime, I've written numerous screenplays and short stories, but BLACK ANGELS is considered my favorite. BLACK ANGELS is a science-fiction horror genre asking the age old question, " Who are we and where did we come from?" It's not only a story of desperation, survival and betrayal, the storyline leads you to the very core of our existence.
I began my journey soul-searching, earnest to understand why we are who we are today. It's not hard to see what's going on in our world, you begin to wonder," What makes homo-sapiens such a savage species?" The bloodshed over religion, money and power is relentless. Millions have been persecuted, with today's conflicts increasingly disturbing. Time and time again, it's a power struggle of simple greed and vanity. On top of it all, our evolutionary brain isn't working with all its thruster's. Like our beloved Scotty of Star Trek, (James Doohan born in Vancouver, B.C.), would say," Aye Aye Captain...I'm given her all she's got Captain...she's got no more!" It's hard to conceive, but even though we may use 100 percent of our brain, it's extremely strange how most of us are not considered geniuses.
That's just doesn't seem right.
How come a select few are geniuses? I mean we are suppose to be at the top of evolutionary chain. That's million of years. My God! Something is wrong, totally wrong with this picture. It's as if someone placed a "governing device" in our brain, so we can't have full access.
Well, maybe my science-fiction fantasy mind has taken over, or has it?
Well, maybe my science-fiction fantasy mind has taken over, or has it?
And that's where I began my journey, finding answers to puzzling questions. I'm sure Professor Steven Hawking would have an equation, answering the complex origin of mankind.
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"Left With His Own Free Will...Power and Pride grew to Darkness"null |
My storyline of Black Angels is a collection of countless years of research on man-made religions, scriptural scrolls, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian writings and ancient archeological discoveries throughout our planet. My search for the truth was nine long years not including the seven years of rewrites.
The first part of my research, lead me to investigate the "missing-link of our ancestors and God fearing religions.
Who made us and why?
Is the bible really the "word" of God? Why does mankind rely on faith alone? And if there is a God, why would he allow innocent children to die?
"Free Will" is always the answer, but isn't that just an easy out?
Unfortunately religion has plagued our world from the very beginning, killing all in the name of GOD. Years of studying various religions throughout our world, it was evident. Religion was man-made in order to control the masses, using its power and wealth to rule above others.
But, do I believe in God ?
Yes. But not how others may think of God…
Professor Steven Hawking elegantly phrases it this way," ... While there's life, there is hope. I am not religious in the normal sense. I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws."
I agree.
I too am not religious to society's norm. God is an important equation, but my "God" existence is likely not how most religious people think of as their God. God to me, is a spiritual organized existence, where an essence of our souls will follow into the centre of its realm, unconscious to what is next.
But wait.
I'm not talking about us as individuals flowing around the cosmos like spiritual ghosts. Nothing like that at all. I believe once our biological human-shell dies, it turns to dust,(unless, of course, it's well preserved). Generally speaking, there's a small part of us, referred to as a soul. It may be, it's our souls that regenerate into a new life. This means, something beyond our understanding governs the motion of life and death.
With death there's always life - somewhere.
Throughout history, countless prophets claim they were the "human existence" of God, I believe each tried to convince their people that everyone is capable of being a part of God.
In a way, its true.
For every religion there's a prophet, leading the way to a better spiritual self, respecting others without greed or selfishness. If we didn't live in fear and took the time to think of others, our world could live in harmony.
Famous prophets of yesterday and today all have the same message. But, mankind always seem to turn it around into something evil, benefiting their cause. If Jesus saw what was happening today, he would be distraught. Jesus said to his people, Ephesians 2:18 "...for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father."
Jesus is indeed speaking the truth.
Through God, our souls have access to the Spirit of God. Jesus is simply stating, "Every man, woman and child has full access to the spiritual realm of existence." Through Jesus himself, was a simpler way to explain to his people, salvation through him was better than the rulers of Rome. Of course, the Jewish priests were outraged by Jesus act. In those times, it's blasphemy to announce you are the Son of God.
It didn't turn out well for Jesus.
As far as the Jewish aristocrats were concerned, Jesus was a man, just another prophet of that era in time. Unfortunate for Jesus, they felt he went too far and should be punished, using the Romans to carry out their dirty work.
Did he preform all the miracles as said?
I'm unconvinced. Even today, people exaggerate for personal gain, either to save their own skin or from being such a loyal follower. Followers will over-exaggerate placing their prophet as a "Holy Devine Sign to Salvation". Jesus was one of the most convincing prophets during the Roman era. But some scholars believe, "...Roman aristocrats used Jesus to control the poor." In fact, it's been said, the Romans convinced Jesus to act as a "Saviour" of his people. It was actually,"...a sophisticated government propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of the Roman Empire.” But things went terribly wrong when Jesus started to believe in his part. It was just a matter of time before they had to get rid of Jesus. Never did they realize, Jesus became a martyr, a symbolism of Christianity and freedom.
If it wasn't for Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great, who wanted Christianity for his own selfish gain, this form of religion would have become just another cult of its time. But, "...In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan decriminalizing Christian" leading the way to one of the most powerful religions of its day, right up to the very present.
If you go back in history, how many prophets of God have there been? You would be surprise to know, there were 124,000 prophets, not including the last 100 years.
That's a lot of prophets, wouldn't you say?
As always, mankind uses another for something in return. We are unbelievably a selfish arrogant race. Will we ever free ourselves from the grip of man-made religion?
It all depends on our destiny.
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Planet Origin : SIRI by Bari Marcus Anthony |
Are we alone?
Another phrase I enjoy by professor Steven Hawking,"...We are so insignificant that I can't believe the whole universe exists for our benefit. That would be like saying that you would disappear if I closed my eyes."
In the last 50 years it's scientifically evident our human species are just a very small equation in life itself. Science has unmistakably proven the obvious. WE ARE NOT ALONE. The only problem? We are millions of light years from our closest neighbours. But, that doesn't mean, it's impossible. And, I believe scientists are going to find evidence of life a long time ago on Mars. How complex was life? We will see.
Albert Einstein phrased it perfectly," There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
Einstein was indeed a genius.
If life has even a slight chance to grow, it always will. There's no way mankind is the only species in the countless sea of dimensional universes. We would have to be rather arrogant to think such a thing. It's also apparent, somehow mankind broke it's original mould.
Something incredible happened!
" For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination...
― Steven Hawking
With that knowledge, it was easy to conceive the next step in our evolutionary timeline. Is it possible another species lived on earth before mankind was ever conceived?
I believe, yes. Of course !
And, this is when my screenplay BLACK ANGELS, was born. It's based on the theory, mankind was once visited by an Alien Intelligent Species, before mankind evolved into homo-sapiens. It's even possible to believe our alien ancestors crossed their genetic DNA with our distant relatives, the Denisovans or Denisova hominins. Some refer it as the smoking-gun to the "missing link", but with deadly consequences.
Is it possible, the evolution of mankind was altered?
The theory of manipulating our evolutionary timeline has proven to have drastically changed who we are today, "Homo-Sapiens". Due to our genetic make-up, human beings have evolved into a hostile war-hungry species in the last 100,000 years. Historical accounts of mankind has proven our savage instinct, with today's crippling news of psychopathic killers evident throughout our world.
But, with all of this, there's still a trace of compassion. It means somewhere in our DNA, mankind has the hope to survive and evolve into a peaceful society.
But, the biggest fear ?
We may run out of time. It may be due to our own demise or a natural catastrophe. Whatever happens to human beings in our future will solely depend on our present actions today. We must explore to save our species or it's just a matter of time we end up like the dinosaur era.
My second part of my research lead to Linda Moulton Howe.
According to Linda, in various UFO documentaries, she states the United States Air Force gave her access to top secret documents, in regards to the origin of mankind. In these documents, it outlines we ARE a hybrid product of cross genetics from an intelligent species AND a group of Alien Species have been interacting with the United States government since the 1950's.
Linda Moulton Howe credentials are indeed impressive.
She graduated from the Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communications. Even though Linda had already received international awards throughout her career, her journalist involvement with animal mutilation and independent published documentaries, like," Strange Harvests - 1993" lead her on the path of UFO Conspiracies. Ever since Linda has found credible evidence related to hybrids, UFO encounters and top secret documents.
Read more about Linda Moulton Howe - CLICK HERE
However, if interstellar UFO's and intelligent species roam our earth, wouldn't you think they would keep away from the crazy people? Or, just maybe, they have a sense of humor.
As you can see, my research has undoubtedly began into the slippery slope of uncanny UFO investigations, and most importantly, the origin of mankind.
You could say I opened up a new can of worms.
Further investigation research has lead me to historical folklore by the Dogon people of Mali, in Western Africa. The Dogon people tell this amazing story, led down from generation to generation, about their encounter of an intelligent species from the Sirius Cluster within the Alpha Canis Majoris Constellation. What's amazing about their story, the visitors told the Dogon people about Star formations within the Sirius Cluster.
Most notably Sirius A and Sirius B; Sirius B wasn't officially discovered until 1862 by leading astronomers. Before this time, everyone of importance thought of the Dogons people account, only as a folklore. But the fact they had unseen knowledge of a dwarf Star, Sirius B, was indeed curious to the astronomical community.
In addition, Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian writings have both recorded the sudden disappearance of an advance civilization throughout history. Most are familiar with the Greeks mythology referring them to as the "People of Atlantis".
It was then I pinpointed an acceptable constellation related to what l've read. There's a strong possibility our ancestors could have come from, "PLANET ORIGIN : SIRUS 5 ...Sirius Cluster, Alpha Canis Majoris Constellation".
On further investigation as to why the sudden disappearance of our ancestors, it was then I found folklore and biblical accounts of a group of deadly Angels.
In relationship to this discovery, my detective work lead to a possible BLACK VIRUS, which was most likely the demise of our ancestors. Plagues of viruses are a common occurrence throughout civilization, with new forms on a continuous basis. It could easily been the fate of our ancestors. But, if this was the case, where's their advanced aircrafts or spaceships? Or did they leave our planet, never to return, leaving only fragments of their existence.
Whatever happen to our ancestors, it was sudden.
In the end, my screenplay is based on intriguing accounts of folklore, myths, biblical scriptures and ancient archaeological pyramids, including interesting relics.
To make my hypotheses work, I had to apply science into the equation.
The possibility of an advanced civilization coming to earth heavily relied on the theory related to bending of space and time. Without it, the law of physics wouldn't allow space travel at such cosmic distances. It goes back to Einstein general theory of relativity in 1915 and most recently the applicable use of String Theory.
In theory, the possibilities are intriguing, and may lead mankind "full-speed-ahead" to the most exciting adventures of our life. Galactic Space Travel is indeed an inspiration quest.
Mankind's Quest into the Future.
It also brings up the strong possibility we are, after all, genetic offspring of our Ancestors,"The Sirian Gods". Exploring the galaxy may be in our blood.
BLACK ANGELS explains how and why our ancestors came to earth, under the orders of their King, he sent a team from the Emperor Royal Guard, under the mission labeled THE APOLLO PROJECT.
Their mission?
"Drug addict war hero seeks revenge for brother's death, risking his crew in a mining expedition on planet ALPHA XL-420 for the priceless Red Crystal, essential to saving their species from a deadly virus."
BLACK ANGELS is my answer to why mankind is the way we are today. I hope you take the time to join me on my social media links and share in my passion for BLACK ANGELS to become the next triology blockbuster Scifi horror film.
In today's market, saturated by millions of screenplays, any kind of media attention is required to reach out, placing your script into the right hands.
With that in mind, I use videos to help present my pitch.
My screenplay, BLACK ANGELS is available for purchase (serious inquiry's only please). This screenplay is the next blockbuster trilogy answering the age-old question, "Where do we come from?"
It will require CGI special effects and a leading team of experienced filmmakers, such as, Ridley Scott, J.J. Abrams, or (my favourite) Steven Spielberg. All of these season directors would certainly see my vision.
The cost ?
The cost can be considerable, but it's possible to break it down into an HBO series or the next NETFLEX Scifi thriller.
On screen, full production cost of BLACK ANGELS would indeed require a considerable interest from a large production company, such as Paramount, Lucas Films by Disney or DreamWorks Studios.
Please enjoy my short pitch video, "BLACK ANGELS - PART ONE".
It's my hope Professor Steven Hawking will find this all very intriguing.
"If there's life, there's hope"
By null
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